[PLUG-AV] Lotterywest chat

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Thu Apr 14 12:45:04 WST 2011

Hi all,
I spoke to Alan Noble (9340 5284) today about the Lotterywest grant
applicaiton. he said that they would definitely be interested in funding us!

We spoke also about GST registration - they don't like paying GST (well,
I said I/we/no one likes paying GST!) - and that as such, they cap their
grants at AU$15k per year for organisations that are not GST registered.
We COULD become GST registered if we want, but we'd have to submit
quarterly BAS! For the sums we're (currently) doing, we both agreed this
isn't worth it.

He was aware of Linux and open source, so I explained who we were, how
long PLUG has been around, and what we intend to do with the funds. He
thought it was very worthwhile, and we should put a grant application
in. He indicated that we would need to provide receipts, and muct not
purchase anythign until a decision is made to fund, which can take up to
four months! Applications can be lodged online.

I mentioned that we're potentially going to get stuff on Auction/second
hand, and receipts may be difficult, to which he said "put in for new
then"! :)

I think perhaps we proceed with Lottery west first before LA; what does
everyone else think?


Mobile: +61 422 166 708, Email: james_AT_rcpt.to

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