[PLUG-AV] AGM video - check it out before I send to the main list....

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Tue Jan 24 23:54:05 WST 2012

A little later than anticipated, but check out:


We missed the first 10 mins or so on capture. Appreciate any other
commens before we pump this out tomorrow evening...

I've got rid of the annoying error message on AV2 that was coming up
when it started (X windows warning about monitors). Its all swimmingly
OK now. Havent had time to look at the dead box yet (was under the desk
at the AGM attached to the Twinpact. I've moved AV2 from following
Debian unstable to Debian testing - which was more up to date than the
install of unstable we had on AV2. All looks good. Running kernel 3.1.8-2.

We noticed the desktop was 'empty' when we saw it last time This host is
running Gnome 3.2, so:

    In GNOME 3.2, Nautilus by default no longer manages the desktop, and
    the ~/Desktop folder is simply treated as a normal folder with files.

    If you want to have Nautilus manage the desktop like in GNOME 2, you
    can change the corresponding setting in the gnome-tweak-tool GUI
    (Desktop tab), or use the gsettings command from the terminal:

    Code Listing 1.5: Making Nautilus manage the desktop

    $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons true

And this has 'fixed' this. ;)

Euan - any chance of a second tally light for the next meeting (one for
each camera)? Worked really well at the AGM, but force of habit I was
looking at the camera infront of me most of the time, unaware it was
zoomed to the screen to compensate for the lack of twinpact capture. ;)


/Mobile:/ +61 422 166 708, /Email:/ james_AT_rcpt.to
PLUG President 2012: http://www.plug.org.au <http//www.plug.org.au>
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