[PLUG-AV] Hi, request for involvement

euan at dekock.net euan at dekock.net
Mon Jul 23 10:46:47 WST 2012

Sounds like a good opportunity to share our skills, I'm sure I could fit it in. Jason would you be available?

I'd also like to get some one to offer to do the audio as a backup, I'm presenting in Aug and we'll need someone to do the desk then. Any volunteers?



On 23/07/2012 8:16 Luke John wrote:

Hey AV team,

I think this would be a great opportunity, and volunteer to help out, i think at this stage I suspect we would need either Jason or Euan to manage the av mixing station.

If we train some port80 people to be able to use the kit without PLUG guidance it may encourage them to stream more regularly.

Kind Regards
Luke John

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 12:25 AM, Bret Treasure <bret at webindustry.asn.au> wrote:


bret from Port80 here. We've got the AWIA AGM on Aug 1st. What chance of PLUG streaming it for us?  

If it's a realistic prospect, can you let me know who to talk to?


bret treasure

040 990 8133

PO Box 771
Inglewood WA 6932 

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