[PLUG-AV] Load Balancing (Was: Perth Startup Weekend)

Leon Wright techman83 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 11:15:35 WST 2012

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Euan de Kock <euan at dekock.net> wrote:

> Thanks Leon. Really appreciate you taking out the time for us. I also
> agree with your sentiments regarding using resources from the teams we help
> out. If out external activities grow much we may need to evaluate the whole
> model. This is a voluntary effort after all.

No worries! I think a project like this will help PLUG stand out and I
enjoy being a part of it. I reckon once we streamline things and get better
at them, scaling/load balancing our 'Human Resources' will become an
important part of that. Being a long term member of a few volunteer orgs
over the years, it's probably one of the harder things to get right and
probably one of the key things to long term success of a project/org.


(Bit off topic, so I changed the subject to reflect)
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