Jason Nicholls jason at mindsocket.com.au
Tue Aug 6 06:06:17 UTC 2013

Hey Team,

Tomorrow is the Port 80 AGM plus it looks like a talk from Senator Scott
Ludlam on government surveillance which sounds interesting.

As you know we've offered to help and reading back through some emails it
looks like Luke, Leon, myself, and not sure about Euan. Any others would be
great too (Nick?).

I have the 2nd iteration of the standard image which is:

   - include updates and missing packages discovered at last PLUG meeting
   - OLD-PLUG scripts now in standard image (I only manually added it to
   the master before)
   - complete fixes to various OLD-PLUG scripts to work on new image, it
   was mostly there after fiddling about last meeting but a few things were
   - additional tweaking to OLD-PLUG scripts: sound check works again, can
   set the streaming mount point in the dv menu, more info in the dv menu box
   - avguy user is in the video group
   - mumble is back

James made a good point last meeting that we setup ourselves in the middle
(vs out-of-the-way), which was my fault, and also we had too much talking
going on cause we didn't have mumble going. So I just want to make sure we
make an effort to have ourselves setup well in advance, out of the way, and
check comms before we start. I also need to re-image the other laptops,
hopefully I remember my HDD this time!

Looks like the meeting time is 5:45pm (6:15 start) and I plan to be there
about 4:30. I have with me the main laptop, a camera laptop, the twinpact,
and a camera. I am *missing* a laptop PSU - i.e. it wasn't included in the
laptop bag from the last meeting so hopefully it's packed with someone

Jason Nicholls
jason at mindsocket.com.au
0430 314 857
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