Luke John luke.john at osmahi.com
Thu Aug 22 03:42:17 UTC 2013

Hey AV Pluggers,

Richard from WAIA has asked if we could stream their AGM on the 24th
of September at the Hyatt Hotel.  That's the last Tuesday of the

If I could get a show of hands of anyone who is happy to help out so I
can let him know if we are able to (I'll be able to).

WAIA = Western Australian Internet Association -> https://www.waia.asn.au/

He also mentioned the possibility of contributing funds to make it
happen, we really do not have a policy in place for this and I
communicated accordingly.

I for one would welcome if someone put together a proposal for how we
could accept them in future.

Things to consider with accepting funds
  we have to provide a level of service
  where do the funds go?
  that we are not profiting (plug is a not for profit and there may
also be conditions of the lotterywest grant on how we can use the

Kind Regards
Luke John

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