[PLUG-AV] GovHack

Euan euan at dekock.net
Thu Jun 25 07:23:27 UTC 2015

I'll be there, and may be able to do a bit, but I'm a bit cautious about committing, things get pretty hectic if your on a team, especially around the times the av operators need to be concentrating.



On 25 June 2015 1:50:16 pm AWST, Leon Wright <techman83 at gmail.com> wrote:
>I'll be attending, I don't mind getting in a little early to set up
>and staying a little longer after to pack up.
>We might just need someone to operate a camera and someone to keep an
>on audio levels.
>DRM 'manages access' in the same way that jail 'manages freedom.'
># cat /dev/mem | strings | grep -i cats
>Damn, my RAM is full of cats... MEOW!!
>On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 1:36 PM, James Bromberger <james at rcpt.to>
>> I'll try and help out. I have some additional kit weer can use like
>> remote pan tilt head, and hdmi splitters/extn do we can also feed the
>> image to some additional screens.
>> --
>> Written on a phone; please excuse typos! Call +61 422 166 708 if the
>> above is garbled beyond recognition or really really funny
>autocorrect!  :)
>> -------- Original message --------
>> From: Luke John
>> Date:25/06/2015 13:18 (GMT+08:00)
>> To: av
>> Subject: [PLUG-AV] GovHack
>> Hey PLUG AV,
>> Just had a chat to Tim from Govhack about what they'd like to get
>> captured/streamed.
>> Friday
>> 1.5 hours in the main area filming the event introduction an possibly
>> pitches (they may move these elsewhere in which case we would end
>> streaming for the night).
>> Sunday
>> 3 hours filming the final pitches, judging and event close.  This
>> would be in the main area as well.
>> We would be able to start setup from 3:30 onwards with possibility of
>> leaving equipment at Spacecubed earlier.
>> They'd also give us one of the meeting rooms for the control desk.
>> Is anyone available and would like to volunteer to help out with
>> cheers,
>> luke
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