[PLUG-AV] [plug-ctte] Raspberry Jam Announcment

Paul Del p at delfante.it
Mon Jul 13 05:06:48 UTC 2015

Hey everyone

Yes Andrew one last announcement for the Rapberry Jam night would be good
and your jitter demo.

If anyone has any more info or demos send through the info.

We really need to send it out by tonight.
Cheers Paul

Android from a tiny tiny keyboard
On 13 Jul, 2015 12:01 PM, "Andrew Cooks" <acooks at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Friends
> The Raspberry Jam is fast approaching and I think we've done better
> promotion than usual, but perhaps one last email announcement with more of
> the technical detail (mentioned earlier in this thread) is in order.
> Do we have any specific demos lined up that we can mention?
> I managed to get my JitterTrap software running on a RPi Model B, so I'm
> keen to show that (in an informal way).
> Cheers!
> a.
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 8:42 PM, Nick Bannon <nick at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 07:50:43PM +0800, Michael Van Delft wrote:
>> > Hi Nick and Committee,
>> > I've written up a little bit about the Raspberry Jam, I was not sure
>> > about who is presenting or what they were planning on showing so I've
>> > left it as "a couple of short presentations form PLUG members that
>> > have done amazing things with their Pi's"
>> That announcement blurb looks great, Michael.
>> I have not got a formal presentation together, but I'll try to spend
>> some time preparing for the event.
>> Ideas include:
>>   * NOOBS and a list of OSes you can run? OpenELEC?
>>   * Ubuntu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi
>>     * Takes a while, no ubuntu-desktop in the small initial download
>> images
>>     * Snappy Ubuntu Core official pre-release
>>       * had a try, James?
>>     * Unofficial 14.04 - I had a try and installed xubuntu-desktop
>>   * Old Debian armel? vs Raspbian vs Debian armhf;
>>     * https://wiki.debian.org/RaspberryPi2
>>     * https://wiki.debian.org/RaspberryPi
>>   * booting off OpenWRT?
>>     * Tiny but useful armel distribution, should let people get useful
>>       things happening fast, on even the model A with a 128MB SD/MMC card.
>>       USB Webcam with Motion? http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/webcam
>>   * getting started with IO devices: sensors, lights, relays?
>>   * FM transmitters
>>     *
>> http://www.icrobotics.co.uk/wiki/index.php/Turning_the_Raspberry_Pi_Into_an_FM_Transmitter
>>     * http://www.instructables.com/id/Raspberry-Pi-Radio-Transmitter/
>>     *
>> http://www.instructables.com/id/Raspberry-Pi-PiFMPlay-Simplified-FM-Transmitter/
>>     * https://github.com/Emerica/pifm
>>   * SDR receivers
>>     * http://flightaware.com/adsb/piaware/build
>> Some hardware preparation would help, so people can get hands-on without
>> bringing their own PSU, monitor, keyboard, etc. I was going to try to
>> encourage this organicly on the mailing list, but some of it should be
>> confirmed centrally.
>> Question: Can we find, say, 4-way power supply (well yes), a USB
>> keyboard/mouse, 4-way HDMI switch and a big monitor/TV - the projector??
>> "Just bring your Pi and a SD/MicroSD card and join the workshop."
>> The organic part - "bring out your old SD cards, even the tiny ones". We
>> could also sell a few preloaded SD/SDHC/SDXC/microSD/... cards - cost
>> price is $7.97 each.  I think this has a microSD to SD adaptor, it was
>> briefly available for $5, they can be $4-$5 online:
>> http://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/sandisk-8gb-ultra-microsdhc-memory-card-br198573?searchTerm=micro%20sd
>> http://staticice.com.au/cgi-bin/search.cgi?q=sdhc&spos=1
>> I got some cheap USB reader/writers from MSY.com.au .
>> [...]
>> > A Raspberry Pi is not required to attend but if you have one your
>> > encouraged to bring it along.
>> > --
>> > Michael
>> (error: your/you're:
>> Whether your new...
>> your encouraged to...
>> )
>> How about ending with:
>> A Raspberry Pi is not required to attend but if you have one you are
>> encouraged to bring it along. If you have a small SD or microSD card to
>> spare or to share, anything from 128MB and up will be useful, bring them
>> too.
>> Nick.
>> --
>>    Nick Bannon   | "I made this letter longer than usual because
>> nick-sig at rcpt.to | I lack the time to make it shorter." - Pascal
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