[PLUG-AV] PLUG November talk

Paul Del p at delfante.it
Wed Oct 21 02:51:19 UTC 2015

Hey Sophie

Thanks I appreciate it

The future is awesome (and what you can do about it) Click below - Paul

Thanks for your help


On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Sophie Liley <sophie at spacecubed.com>

> Hi Paul
> Flick me through 10-15 words on it and I’ll push it out to our internal
> networks - make sure to include a link!
> Sophie Liley
> Community Host
> Ground Floor, 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA
> Level Nine, 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA
> +61 08 61020225 | sophie at spacecubed.com | @space3ed
> <https://t.yesware.com/tl/d7638261b0bd9175eae0f8659e3a84e6e6ba4416/f234993a75aadb55bd2b01113b77b263/647735e002e9bdb50c13ec13a8cc86be?ytl=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.yesware.com%2Ftl%2F24d7a91cf1c9e1c02f41c5c6e121be3cd05da057%2Feb4a5d600a234762e9517b1a1e3763b8%2F912cb692775a8d8ac58d0ee00f64a7b0%3Fytl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.twitter.com%252Fspace3ed>
>  | Facebook
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>  |
> Leederville coworking now available at Sync Labs
> <https://t.yesware.com/tl/d7638261b0bd9175eae0f8659e3a84e6e6ba4416/f234993a75aadb55bd2b01113b77b263/08f26be614f1e87c816791fad8a9820e?ytl=http%3A%2F%2Fsynclabs.com.au%2F>
> On 20 Oct 2015, at 10:07 AM, Paul Del <p at delfante.it> wrote:
> Hey Kate
> That's ok, I'll get our av to organise a projector screen.
> That's great about the swipe card.
> Thanks
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 9:45 AM, Kate Kirwin <kate at spacecubed.com> wrote:
>> Hey Paul,
>> Sounds like the big TV might be a better option then! Bit easier that way.
>> I've copied Sophie back in to help you with the swipecard. She's sick
>> today but hopefully will be back soon.
>> Kind regards
>> Kate
>> Kate Kirwin
>> Community Host & Events Coordinator
>> Ground Floor, 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA
>> Level Nine, 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA  | *map - parking
>> <https://t.yesware.com/tl/d7638261b0bd9175eae0f8659e3a84e6e6ba4416/6745da95d2f80792681ce2416bbbc526/42bd71a162b0e22ae8fd1ad32ba13594?ytl=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.yesware.com%2Ftl%2F24d7a91cf1c9e1c02f41c5c6e121be3cd05da057%2Feb4a5d600a234762e9517b1a1e3763b8%2F7b13fac3b9c80413d9346ba3e8366809%3Fytl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fow.ly%252Fi%252FCVTY>*
>> <https://t.yesware.com/tl/8b50472b8f1ad02420c7f2dccdea4acddd4673b5/ff8b20381c66d51e0a8babe576b86a7f/738120c5a0c7cefaf85598ed23db02a8?ytl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spacecubed.com%2F>
>> +61 08 61020225 | Kate at spacecubed.com | @space3ed
>> <https://t.yesware.com/tl/8b50472b8f1ad02420c7f2dccdea4acddd4673b5/ff8b20381c66d51e0a8babe576b86a7f/a3203bed45c1a952e59c8f1386039d62?ytl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.twitter.com%2Fspace3ed>
>>  | Facebook
>> <https://t.yesware.com/tl/8b50472b8f1ad02420c7f2dccdea4acddd4673b5/ff8b20381c66d51e0a8babe576b86a7f/ed1f2beb20deea380ec53d3a96a5b7cf?ytl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpages%2FSpacecubed-Co-working-Collaboration-and-Innovation%2F221023691294762>
>>  |
>> Spacecubed and Hawaiian are opening FLUX
>> <https://t.yesware.com/tl/8b50472b8f1ad02420c7f2dccdea4acddd4673b5/9e363189eac0d665e4c4d66e46789a8b/6a7507d2ff593813664c7c691d98249f?ytl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fluxperth.com> -
>> limited offices and partnerships available.
>> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Paul Del <p at delfante.it> wrote:
>>> Hey Kate
>>> Thanks, We couldn't use the common area as the wall has stickers so we
>>> couldn't project on it.
>>> We can use the a portable projector, but we need a free standing
>>> projector screen.
>>> That would be great if you can get Tom and Sophie to push via social
>>> media, appreciate it.
>>> No worries, can you contact Sophie and let her know we want a swipe card
>>> and we will pay the funds?
>>> Thanks
>>> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 8:39 AM, Kate Kirwin <kate at spacecubed.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Paul,
>>>> My apologies I thought you were in the common area last time - that was
>>>> the plan. We must have got our wires crossed somewhere. We have two
>>>> portable projectors down here, we might just have to project around the
>>>> Anglicare sticker. Otherwise we have the TV on the trolley we can bring up.
>>>> In terms of marketing, no worries I'll get Tom and Sophie to push it
>>>> out through the social media networks and the members newsletter.
>>>> And finally for swipecards - Sophie is your girl. The replacement fee I
>>>> believe is $50 per card (which reflects what the building charges us for
>>>> them).
>>>> See you in a few weeks
>>>> Kate
>>>> Kate Kirwin
>>>> Community Host & Events Coordinator
>>>> Ground Floor, 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA
>>>> Level Nine, 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA  | *map - parking
>>>> <https://t.yesware.com/tl/d7638261b0bd9175eae0f8659e3a84e6e6ba4416/6745da95d2f80792681ce2416bbbc526/42bd71a162b0e22ae8fd1ad32ba13594?ytl=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.yesware.com%2Ftl%2F24d7a91cf1c9e1c02f41c5c6e121be3cd05da057%2Feb4a5d600a234762e9517b1a1e3763b8%2F7b13fac3b9c80413d9346ba3e8366809%3Fytl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fow.ly%252Fi%252FCVTY>*
>>>> <https://t.yesware.com/tl/8b50472b8f1ad02420c7f2dccdea4acddd4673b5/ff8b20381c66d51e0a8babe576b86a7f/738120c5a0c7cefaf85598ed23db02a8?ytl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spacecubed.com%2F>
>>>> +61 08 61020225 | Kate at spacecubed.com | @space3ed
>>>> <https://t.yesware.com/tl/8b50472b8f1ad02420c7f2dccdea4acddd4673b5/ff8b20381c66d51e0a8babe576b86a7f/a3203bed45c1a952e59c8f1386039d62?ytl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.twitter.com%2Fspace3ed>
>>>>  | Facebook
>>>> <https://t.yesware.com/tl/8b50472b8f1ad02420c7f2dccdea4acddd4673b5/ff8b20381c66d51e0a8babe576b86a7f/ed1f2beb20deea380ec53d3a96a5b7cf?ytl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpages%2FSpacecubed-Co-working-Collaboration-and-Innovation%2F221023691294762>
>>>>  |
>>>> Spacecubed and Hawaiian are opening FLUX
>>>> <https://t.yesware.com/tl/8b50472b8f1ad02420c7f2dccdea4acddd4673b5/9e363189eac0d665e4c4d66e46789a8b/6a7507d2ff593813664c7c691d98249f?ytl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fluxperth.com> -
>>>> limited offices and partnerships available.
>>>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 8:39 PM, Paul Del <p at delfante.it> wrote:
>>>>> Hey Kate
>>>>> Can I confirm a couple things about about our plug November 9th talk
>>>>> at spacecubed level 9
>>>>> 1. The meeting room is very small and only fits 15 people and we want
>>>>> to do a projector in the common area. Does spacecubed have free standing
>>>>> projector/screen we can borrow?
>>>>> 2. We want to promote our the talk as well, as it is a speaker doing
>>>>> us a favour from over east. can we get any help from spacecubed for this ?
>>>>> http://www.meetup.com/Perth-Linux-Users-Group-PLUG/events/225203284/
>>>>> 3. We lost one of our spacecubed swipe cards, can we order/pay for
>>>>> another one?
>>>>> Thanks Paul Del
>>>>> plug.org.au
>>> --
>>> *"When service & support is everything"*Deltek Technology, Perth, WA
>>> Ph:08 636-55-618 E:p at delfante.it W:deltek.net.au
>>> Simplifying Information Technology Systems
>>> Cutting edge technology Systems saving time/money.
> --
> *"When service & support is everything"*Deltek Technology, Perth, WA
> Ph:08 636-55-618 E:p at delfante.it W:deltek.net.au
> Simplifying Information Technology Systems
> Cutting edge technology Systems saving time/money.


*"When service & support is everything"*Deltek Technology, Perth, WA
Ph:08 636-55-618 E:p at delfante.it W:deltek.net.au

Simplifying Information Technology Systems
Cutting edge technology Systems saving time/money.
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