[PLUG-AV] Re-uploading the Matrix in 2020 video.

eamonncollins at tutanota.com eamonncollins at tutanota.com
Fri Sep 11 01:54:12 AWST 2020

Hi James,

I hope you're well. Thanks for getting the video rendered and uploaded for me. Looks great.

I contacted the Matrix weekly newsletter and they said they were interested in listing the video, but they would prefer the 'Moderation Adventures' section be cut out. (understandable, it's easier for them if we don't poke the nest xD)

I edited a 'clean' version of it you can download here: 

If you're quite busy, send me or Nick the PLUG youtube login and we can do all for you. We were looking to make these changes:

1) Edit the description on the original version to this: "Michael Collins talks about the Matrix, covering the new features, perthchat.org, and ChatOasis an upcoming FOSS Matrix hosting company. (dirty version)"
2) Change the title of the original to: "PLUG: Matrix in 2020 - Michael Collins, September 2020 [Dirty]"
3) Upload the clean version to the title: "PLUG: Matrix in 2020 - Michael Collins, September 2020"
4) Include this description on the clean version: "Michael Collins talks about the Matrix, covering the new features, perthchat.org, and ChatOasis an upcoming FOSS Matrix hosting company."

Thank you,

Michael Collins
(previously Eamonn Collins)
GPG Fingerprint: 3B3A 5D11 EAA7 6AB0 7F96  8EF0 E1AC B1EA 7898 A938

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