[plug] bash 2 & xdm

skribe skribe at amber.com.au
Sat Aug 1 09:06:28 WST 1998

On 31-Jul-98 John Summerfield wrote:
> I installed bash 2 from an RPM on my RH 5.0 system and now when I login
> via xdm the screen flashes and returns to xdm.

This is not a direct answer to your question but is perhaps related.  Why
isn't bash 2.x installed in Redhat 5.X?  Perhaps it messes around too much
with their scripts.  I'm only guessing.  I had only cosmetic problems
with my scripts using bash 2.x on my slackware based machine but I don't use
xdm.  I'm still considering whether its worth upgrading my new RH box to it
given that it doesn't come as the default.
skribe <skribe at amber.com.au>

Peter's Law of Substitution:
        Look after the molehills, and the mountains will look after

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