[plug] See how the other half live

peter caffin pc at it.net.au
Wed Aug 12 04:03:43 WST 1998

During the hours of 09:52 am 13/08/98 +0800, chris mcdonald wrote in email..
>I think this last statement is mostly true because SunOS and Solaris have
>been the defining face of Unix for near 15 years.
>It's not surprising, then, that Solaris is "not very different".

I'm not all that familiar with Solaris/SunOS and FreeBSD (aside from being
a student user on a SunOS box a long time back).

Given that FreeBSD is, well, the free version of the Berkeley Standard
Distribution, do they differ in significant ways, and how did Berkeley lose
their 'standard setting ability' along the way?

Just curious..

--:     _         ___  _    _ _
 _oo__ |_|_ |__  _ |  |  _ |_|_' _   p c at it dot net dot a u it.net.au/~pc |
//`'\_ | (/_|(/_| .|. |_(_|| | || |  PO Box 869, Hillarys WA 6923, AUSTRALIA |

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