[plug] Strange stuff with antique hardware

Peter Caffin pc at it.net.au
Wed Aug 19 02:39:14 WST 1998

Leon Brooks wrote:
> "There is no such thing as a bug in Windows 9[58]. Consider it as
>  a request from the unenlightened for you to brush up on your
>  disassembly skills and help improve the OS."
> Why a blue screen? Wouldn't a red (ie embarrassed and stopped)
> screen be more honest?

Probably one from the psychologists who reckon that blue walls/lighting
calms people down.

Red would probably remind most Windows users of the red klaxxon (sp?)
warning lights off Star Trek. Microsoft probably feel they'd be
responsible for users throwing themselves from side to side with
"whooaaargh" sound effects.. Okay, well, even more so than usual ;).

Reading back that last paragraph makes me want to go off and check
Dilbert. Dunno why.

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