[plug] Experiances moving netscape prefs from windows

Neil Hunt grover at enterprise.nettrek.com.au
Sat Dec 12 18:16:45 WST 1998

The first thing you want to copy is your bookmarks.htm file...copy it to
~/.netscape/bookmark.html.  Other than that you will probably have to
start from scratch... :)


On Sat, 12 Dec 1998, Oliver wrote:

> Heya, I'm pretty much set up in linux full time now. However, I do have
> a lot of customisation equity (don't you love that phrase?) tied up in
> netscape, I was wondering if anyone has any idea which files I might
> want to copy... from where and where to?
> Oh, Ray's apc disk ended up in my machine from the plug night, arange a
> time and place and I'll get it back to ya :)

Neil Hunt				P.O Box 1157		
Assistant Systems Administrator		FREMANTLE WA 6959
Net Trek On-Line Services		Ph:  9336 4446
grover at nettrek.com.au			Fax: 9336 4900

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