[plug] Ping...? Ahem, PING!

David Cambell campbell at gear.torque.net
Fri Jul 3 08:07:17 WST 1998

> 1. [*] Keep it on Monday but move it to the Computer Club   <-- my vote!
> B. [*] Make it normally a bazaar/clinic/freeforall format

Wierd thought for the day (Singapore must be frying my brain) -

Unit:        Linux 101 (aka Plug)
    Students will learn how to do strange things to little computers.
    Material covered will include (but not restricted to) network clients,
    servers (ftp, www, samba), dial-up servers, internet security,
    advanced graphics, scripting and programming. Letures will be held in
    Digital building with practical laboratory sessions held at UCC.
    Attendance is not mandatory but heavily recommended.

David Campbell

PS: I haven't had access to a linux box in three weeks and starting toi suffer withdrawl symoptoms

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