[plug] Sendmail, etc ad nauseum

Terry Porter tp at gronk.apana.org.au
Mon Jul 20 00:49:25 WST 1998

On Mon, 20 Jul 1998, Darke de Loup wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 20, 1998 at 12:08:59AM +0800, Terry Porter wrote:
> > 
> > 
> <much chomped>
> > 
> > > I don't think Pine can be used to retrieve mail via POP3 (correct me if I'm
> > > wrong).  It is just a mail user agent.  Fetchmail is my recommendation.
> > > 
> > I agree, pine is just a mail reader, as far as I can tell, Pine is my mail
> > reader of choice.
> pine is also a MTA -- latest version does IMAP and POP afaik - but why 
> bundle everything together ;)
> darke.
  You would be referring to ver 4.00 I presume ? I have it, and briefly
looked at it,but it appears to similar, ie no menus indicated it could
retrieve mail.
 In fact it doesnt even beep me, when new mail is received! so its back to 
ver 3.96 for the moment, until I get time to rtfm  :-(


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