[plug] What should I mirror?

Leon Brooks leonb at ami.com.au
Mon Jul 20 18:33:02 WST 1998

chris mcdonald wrote:
> DC> I have just upgraded my office Linux box and now have approximately 7GB of
> DC> HDD solely for mirror purposes. Currently I have the following sites on my
> DC> TODO list:

> DC> RedHat      (5.1 Updates)
> DC> Debian      (is there a good local site?)
> DC> Slakware    (ftp.cs.monash.edu.au)
> DC> StarOffice  (??? - apparently these guys don't like mirrors)

PHP (they like mirrors)
Apache sources
...many things noticeably bigger than a megabyte...

> Not sure why your obsession with a local mirror, when Australia's largest
> and fastest mirror (and, yes, you're already paying for it!) is at:

> http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/

Hiya, Chris... would David "Zipdrive" Campbell be able to pipe into that
essentially for free from the UCC during meetings, or isn't UWA's
general byte-accounting that bright?

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