[plug] Motherboards for servers

Matt Kemner zombie at networx.net.au
Wed Jul 29 15:09:23 WST 1998

On Wed, 29 Jul 1998, Ralph Billes wrote:

> A subject close to the heart of ISPs:

VERY close :)
As Greg very eloquently put it in a previous post:
"I HATE HARDWARE!" ad nausem.

> Up-time is more important than performance in this application.
> ASUS comes to mind as a quality item.  Anyone care to recommend
> anything cheaper? 

Having tried a large variety of different mainboards, the most reliable I
have found so far is a little known brand called "AZZA"
WA distributors for this board are YNOT Computers, Phone 9310 9850

Also, the last ASUS I put in a server (FTP/Proxy server) had major
problems with it's HDD controllers, so buying a name brand (like in
anything else) does not always guarantee it will never fail.

 - Matt Kemner
System Administrator/BOFH        "Words are too feeble,
Networx Internet                  they cannot contain"
(08) 9 345 3377                   Live, "Stage"

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