[plug] Hard Drive specs

Shackleton, Kevin kshackleton at agric.wa.gov.au
Thu Jul 30 08:32:01 WST 1998

I've been looking for the du -sh /* command!  Could not find any
reference on how to do directory totals.


> ----------
> From: 	John Summerfield[SMTP:summer at os2.ami.com.au]
> Reply To: 	plug at linux.org.au
> Sent: 	Thursday, 30 July 1998 6:30
> To: 	plug at linux.org.au
> Subject: 	Re: [plug] Hard Drive specs
> On Wed, 29 Jul 1998, Matt Hutchinson wrote:
> df -sh
> du -sh /*
> man df
> man du
> for more info
> > How do I see how much space is left on my hard drive?
> > 
> like my sig!!

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