plug RedHat 5.1 CD burn - No more orders please... (just for a moment

Campbell, Ian Ian.Campbell at
Mon Jun 8 08:33:35 WST 1998

Linux System Labs Australia are going to produce Redhat 5.1 CDs.  See their
web site at  Their prices for other distributions are quite
reasonable so perhaps anyone else wanting a CD could try them.
Ian Campbell
IT/Audit Coordinator
Avon Health Service
tel: 0896 901 614     fax 0896 901 605
email: ian.campbell at

-----Original Message-----
From: David Campbell [mailto:campbell at]
Sent: Sunday, 7 June 1998 0:49
To: plug at
Cc: Drazic
Subject: plug RedHat 5.1 CD burn - No more orders please... (just for a

> Hiya, i got your notice from a fowarded email from a Christian off irc
> advertising your Redhat 5.1 burnt cds i would like to buy 1, i currently
> live in Tas and if your willing to send it to Tas and accept COD please
> email me back with a price

Could you contact me in a couple of weeks. Currently I have a backlog of 
something like 20+ orders already. Basically I am doing this at zero cost 
for PLUG (Perth Linux Users Group).

Hopefully when the first round of CD-ROMs get loose then people will start 
copying and reduce the load on me (there is a known fault in the 
"autoboot" method of install, the boot floppy still works).

Each CD-ROM is approx 360MB of info and takes 25 minutes to burn,
multiply that by 20 and see how much time I have "wasted".

I don't mind doing up to 3-5 a week but 20 is getting a little much. Next 
time I will look for a CD duplication service. Perhaps I underpriced 
myself ($5 a disc) or underestimated the demand.

David Campbell

PS: I must really get back to hacking at the ZIP disk driver (ppa).
campbell at

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