plug LOCAL: PerthLUG's next meeting will feature...

Leon Brooks leonb at
Fri May 29 13:49:27 WST 1998

>    "Configuring Samba to Provide Windows NT Like Services on Linux"
>                               by Ian Kent

> This talk should be of interest to people who would like to provide
> Windows NT like server functions a Linux (or UNIX) computer, within a
> private network or in an existing Windows network.

> The topics that will be covered include:

>    * basic description of the concept of a Windows NT Domain.
>    * basic description Windows network services such as Browser lists,
>      WINS and Authentication.
>    * description and location of several Samba files including the
>      daemons that provide the Samba services (and how they are
>      started), the main configuration file and some commands.
>    * work through an example of the Samba configuration file and
>      discuss various options' meanings.

> if time permits

>    * work through the example of Browse list propagation in a multiple
>      network environment, given in the Samba documentation.
>    * compile Samba.

Samba can indeed be fun. One place I work for couldn't do remote shares
on a 95 machine because there was no NT domain server to validate the
login. No problem! A few small edits in smbd.conf, a SIGHUP, and we're
away... (-:

For more information about the Perth Linux Users Group, visit or phone me on 0411-655-020.

The meeting will be held in Digital's offices, Havelock St, West Perth,
near the train station, starting at 7:30PM on Tuesday 9th of June. All
are welcome, even Windows fanatics (our last speaker likes Windows NT
and is a Bronze Developer) and computer illiterates. Coffee is provided.


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