[plug] Hub Wanted

Niall Young niall at gospel.iinet.net.au
Sat Nov 21 21:11:47 WST 1998

> I'm looking for a cheap, 10Mbit second-hand hub which will just be for
> networking my machines at home so only needs to be 4 ports or so.  If
> anyone just happens to have one lying around that they don't want anymore
> then please drop me a line.  Otherwise I'll have to just get a new one...
> any recommendations on good brands?

Bay Networks do a nice little 4 port, not sure what the price is but
Dick Smith are now stocking it.

About a year ago you could also get internal 5 port ISA hubs!  Does anyone
know if these are still available anywhere?


	"Fear is the path to the Dark Side"

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