FW: [plug] baud rates and modem dropouts

Shackleton, Kevin kshackleton at agric.wa.gov.au
Tue Nov 24 08:12:21 WST 1998

Ahh, it's so refreshing to see the voters exposed to the reality of
Telstra's policy.

I'm reading the ACA document "Digital Data Inquiry", which basically
says that it's too expensive to provide reasonable data services to
remote areas, so they aren't going to guarantee a data rate of any more
than 2400 bps - which is all you can get on the Digital Radio
Concentrator System that covers remote area including settlements like
Gascoyne Junction.  "Too expensive" means on a user-pays system they
don't get their money back from the subscriber.  They didn't consider a
benefitter-pays system that would take into account the utility in
populating any more than the urban areas.

Since 90% of voters currently get 33.6 kbps no-one cares.

I guess remote areas will be served by satellite before long.  Maybe you
Perth people will need a satellite link to get reasonable speeds too!


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