[plug] Database on Linux

Greg Raftery GregR at scs.com.au
Wed Nov 25 08:37:55 WST 1998

I used PostgreSQL in my computer science project this semster and it worked
fine for my smallish Phantom web database. I did have a slight problem when
it ate *all* of my hard drive space, but it just needs to be cleaned every
so often.The installation was relatively easy, and using Perl to connect is

I can't really remember why I chose Postgres over the others (MySQL, mSQL),
but I think it did have something to do with the referential integrity
doubts about MySQL. Oh, importing data from a .csv file is also easy enough
in Postgres if you have existing data.

I would go for Postgres over Oracle because Oracle is demanding (not that I
have installed it and played with it yet), and you could be up and running
with Postgres in an hour or two. 
Good Luck,
Greg Raftery

Strategic Computer Solutions
Perth, Western Australia

email: gregr at scs.com.au
Ph:(08) 9325 9988
Fax:(08) 9325 9980


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-plug at linux.org.au [mailto:owner-plug at linux.org.au]On Behalf
Of Damion Hill
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 1998 11:30 PM
To: plug at linux.org.au
Subject: [plug] Database on Linux


I've decided it could be worth my while putting my Linux box at 
work to even better use as a production server in order to promote 
the value of this OS. What I'm planning on doing is implementing 
our Helpdesk database on the Linux box and having access to job 
creation/logging/tracking/completion via web based forms.

My reasons for this are two-fold.

I was running the box as a web server and doing a bit of 
development in my spare time. My efforts were noticed by the 
'powers' due to the publishing of Helpdesk reports on-line. 
Unfortunately it clouded the issue in terms of our intranet 
development when IT people were saying there was no hardware or 
resource for intranet development and our only marginally 
technically challenged boss began asking how it was he could view 
these reports if there was nothing to offer them from? I was politely 
told to shut the web server down. I want to prove a point about 

The other reason is that currently our database is an Access 97 db 
residing in a shared folder on a PC. This PC desperately needs a 
reinstall of Win95 but is the only one capable of running the db and 
sharing it. I don't want to be caught out again when no-one can 
access the db because a PC has crashed. Also, not everyone has 
Access available but they all have a browser.

I have been doing some research as to which db will best suit my 
needs and have looked favourably at PostgreSQL. Does anyone 
have any horror stories about this system? I've noticed MySQL 
seems to have more publicity but does it deserve it? Also, I have a 
copy of Oracle (the pre-release) that I still haven't installed (sys 
upgrade soon, might go for it), does anybody think this is the way 
to go?

Sorry about the verboseness of the message. I'm venting 
frustrations at the 'establishment' who pat me on my head, say 
'Nice little toy, shame there's no support. Now run along and let Bill 
look after things.'

It's amazing the people at work who think it is a shareware product 
and can't bring themselves to say OS in the same sentence.


Damion Hill
dhill at wantree.com.au

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