[plug] Another (Possibly) Redhat specific squid tip
Tony Clark
tony at ballist.net.au
Wed Nov 25 09:12:38 WST 1998
Software Engineers..sheesh :)
Seriously though David, insulation won't stop radio waves, screening may.
You could have well hit upon your problem though and I would suggest a
filter in series with the phone line. Not sure if you can buy them, supect
not. Basically an inductor in series with each wire with 2 caps at each
end of the inductor. Ground the center connection of the 2 caps. If there
are any radio hams in the area talk to them. You may get lucky.
At 08:30 AM 11/25/98 +0800, you wrote:
>I am 95% certain what the problem is... I was talking the problem over
>with my wife last night, and I mentioned about how having a long
>telephone cable between the modem and the wall plug could be causing
>some of the noise (incidentally, I dropped the max baud rate to
>33.6kbps, and it dramatically increased the link's staying power -
>although it still had some difficulty connecting....)... anyway, I was
>explaining to her how a long cable can effectively act as a large aerial
>- especially if it is not well insulated... when I looked throgh the
>doorway to my house.... and directly at the Perth's main AM/FM radio
>transmitter that is located in the Balcatta/Hammersly area about 1km
>from my house (I am about 600meters from Waneroo Road on the hill
>opposite this radio transmitter.... 8-)
>I then looked at my modem cable between the extension lead and the
>modem, and noticed how a) it is periously thin and b), it stretches some
>3 meters or so across the floor before connecting to the 6 meter
>extender cable....
>In any case, a few things clunked rather loudly into place, and I think
>I'm going to look at getting a bit of a more insulated telephone cable
>Thanks for everyone's help...
>David Buddrige
>Software Engineer
>MITS Ltd.
>david.buddrige at mitswa.com.au
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Summerfield [SMTP:summer at os2.ami.com.au]
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 1998 6:58 AM
>> To: plug at linux.org.au
>> Subject: Re: [plug] Another (Possibly) Redhat specific squid tip
>> On Mon, 23 Nov 1998, Adrian Blockley wrote:
>> > I think I remember you saying that Telstra checked the line out, but
>> did
>> > they check both ends. I had a problem a year ago with my modem that
>> kept
>> > cutting intermitantly. It was very frustrating sometimes it would
>> be ok
>> > for an hour and sometimes it would hang after 5 minutes. Telstra
>> checked
>> > the line from their end and said the line was fine. After puting up
>> with
>> > this for some time I tried Telstra again and explained my problem
>> and that
>> > I could hear noise sometimes when trying to connect or make a phone
>> call.
>> My experience with Telstra's is pretty good. A few years ago I had
>> complaints from others I wasn't answering the phone though I was home
>> (I
>> didn't here it ring). I called Telstra and discussed what I had
>> connected
>> and they actually measured the loading it all placed and said, while
>> it
>> seemed I had a lot, the loading was fine. We speculated that changing
>> my
>> extension cord (I had a spare) might help. We didn't identify a
>> problem, but
>> people did stop complaining.
>> >
>> > They sent a technician who did some testing from my end as well; it
>> turned
>> > out that some grass had invaded a nearby junction box which was
>> causing
>> > input wires to rub whenever the wind was strong enough, but only on
>> the
>> > line coming in. This was why they couldn't hear the problem from
>> their
>> > end. It was a good thing that it was a windy day when the
>> technician
>> > came. He cleaned out the grass and the problem went away.
>> intermitant
>> > problems can be very difficult to track down...
>> Presumably had they run the tests when it was windy they would have
>> detected the problem. No doubt windy days in years gone by were
>> attended by
>> lots of problems. Imagine a bird or a branch in overhead wires, only
>> making
>> contact when the wind blows.
>> Cheers
>> John Summerfield
>> http://os2.ami.com.au/os2/ for OS/2 support.
>> Configuration, networking, combined IBM ftpsites index.
Tony Clark
Digital and System Groups Manager
ERG Telecommunications
Mobile Asia +852 93168907
Australia +61 411577715
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