[plug] Database on Linux

John Summerfield summer at os2.ami.com.au
Fri Nov 27 09:40:48 WST 1998

On Wed, 25 Nov 1998, Peter Robinson wrote:

> You forgot Sybase ASE -> its totally free under Linux, not sure of the
> details. With Oracle its free to developers but if you want to use it
> commericially you have to pay, Sybase you can use it commercially for free
> as well. That is why distributed.net is going to use it for there new
> Stats server along with Linux unlike the NT + MSSQL they currently use.

There's a difference between forgetting and not mentioning. I've never use
Sybase: not even been to the web site.

I could have mentioned Informix too: also free under some conditions.
Setting it up is not trivial.

Choose which of these words more nearly categorises you. 
1   Hobbyist, very small business.
2   Serious commercial

If you tend towards 1, then I suggest you consider PostgresSQL, MySql, msql
etc. However, they're likely to have some deficincies and limitations.

otoh If you have serious commercial interests, you've probably got buckets
of money and should look at Oracle, Informix, Sybase, Adabas, DB/2 class
software. Given the hardware, they'll do the job, and if you have a
terabyte of data, these can probably all handle it. Theu problem with these
is more likely the manpower to set them up.

My guess is most WA IAPs belong in category 1, but Westrac, Bunnings etc in

John Summerfield
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