[plug] Conference of Australian Linux Users.

Paul Rusty Russell Paul.Russell at rustcorp.com.au
Sun Oct 11 12:26:34 WST 1998

In message <361BFDFA.B0AEF02 at brooks.smileys.net> you write:
> Paul Rusty Russell wrote:
> G'day Mr. IPChains!
> >         I'm going to be in Perth from the 13th (for the LUV meeting)
> > through to the 18th of this month.  I'm in town to promote, ferret out
> > speakers, and get feedback, and find a WA point of contact for the
> > Australian Linux Conference (CALU '99).  The official announcement (&
> > web page, etc) will go out in a few weeks.
> Hmmm... ain't never heard of LUV, which is sad (them being in same town
> and all) but PLUG also has a regular meeting scheduled in West Perth
> that same evening (13th) at 1930.

Oops: s/LUV/PLUG/.  (LUV is the Melbourne LUG).

Sorry for the confusion; hope to see you on Tuesday.
 .sig lost in the mail.

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