[plug] LOCAL: Perth, WA: PLUG informal meeting tonight, first AGM next month

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.smileys.net
Mon Oct 26 17:19:20 WST 1998

Meeting at the UCC, starting at about 1830, more details on PLUG's
website (http://plug.linux.org.au/), all welcome, all problems
considered and many annihliated.

Second Tuesday of November will be PLUG's first-ever AGM and I'll also
try hard to con Mr Allpike into regaling us briefly with
FrontPage-on-Linux tales.

May the flaws be with you.

"At Fluke we spend about five times as much per Microsoft seat as for
Unix seat
 in support costs. ... While I don't ever use NT, I see notices at least
once a
 week warning of system down time. Our Unix systems and our bootleg
Linux systems
 rarely go down - running for months without a single glitch." -- Steven

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