[plug] Possible (???) security hole in Debian 2.0

Lindsay Allen allen at cleo.murdoch.edu.au
Fri Sep 4 08:54:20 WST 1998

Not a problem.

Any user can run the script, just as he can type in the same command and
try to run it.  But the scripts are not suid and so do not run with root

For example:

elm# ps axc|grep lpd
 3228  ?  S    0:00 lpd

now I try to stop lpd

elm$ /sbin/start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/lpd.pid
--exec /usr/sbin/lpd

but it is still running.

elm# ps axc|grep lpd
 3228  ?  S    0:00 lpd

Lindsay Allen   <allen at cleo.murdoch.edu.au>  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 2486    32.0125S 115.8445E    vk6lj      Debian Linux

On Fri, 4 Sep 1998, David Campbell wrote:

> I don't know if this is a problem that has been reported or not but....
> I just found that all the scripts in /etc/init.d/ had rwxr-xr-x permisions. This 
> means that anyone logged in could start/stop daemons on the machine. I 
> personally do not find this a good idea.
> Could other people running Debian 2.0 please check their /etc/init.d/ 
> directory and let me know if it is a problem with only my machine or it affects 
> others.
> Appologies if this has been noted before but I don't remember seeing 
> anything on this mailing list before.
> David Campbell (paranoid)
> =======================================================
> campbell at torque.net
> "There is no such thing as a bug in the Linux 2.1.x kernels
> Consider it as a request from the enlightened for you to brush
> up on your C programming and help improve the kernel."

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