[plug] Leon no cost minimal linux?

Mark Sxaon mark at omninet.net.au
Fri Apr 2 13:25:02 WST 1999

Leon Brooks wrote:

> Mark Sxaon wrote:
> Unusual surname...
> > I am hoping to put together a no cost Linux system for my Sisters kids over the
> > long weekend.
> > I'm looking at a pile of parts now.  Doubt if they will make anything capable of
> > running X so I guess it will just be a console and console games.  I was hoping
> > to maybe jass it up a bit with by using a console ANSI driver to install a
> > prompt icon etc.
> > I've looked at the console and keyboard howto nothing there unless I missed
> > something
> > any pointers would be appreciated.
> Lotsa RAM. AT least 8M for X. If you want 1M 30-pin SIMMs or 4M 72-pin
> SIMMs I have some for free. 0411-655-020. How large a hard disk have
> you?
> Leon

Yse it seems I have miss spelt my own name in setup. Its unusal any way. At least I've
been cured of  doing naughty user things when logged on as root.

Thanks for the generous offer but I am a long way from Perth and hope to drop this off
as a holiday thing for some Uncle Kudos after easter.
So far I have a 386 dx 40 with 12M and 1 x 80M + 1 x 40Mdrive and a 486 50 (Uhg) with
4M and 1 x 120M so no room for  X.
Have loaded one with Slackware 2.3 and one with 3.1 they don't look to bad the old
distra offered a pretty good range of console fonts with ls --color.  I'll try craming
X with a base system on the 120 if it fits may look you up when I get to the city..


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