[plug] how to fix unclean dismount :)

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.smileys.net
Fri Apr 9 07:53:52 WST 1999

dynamix at wanet.com.au wrote:
> The Power tripped out yesterday and when it came back and i booted again
> i got as far as mounting the ext filesystem...
> it halted coz it want unmounted cleanly...
> it would go no further...
> no response.
> i booted with a  boot disk and rescue could not even get a
> console...nothing ...zip...
> i ended up doing an upgrade install....nope ..no dice stopped in the
> same spot..
> i ended up deleting my partitions and reinstalling from scratch....
> my question is what the hell should i have done?

Used e2fsck and if it won't even get that far, use e2fsck from a rescue

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