[plug] Fwd: [SLUG] Lucky 13 for Linux

skribe skribe at amber.com.au
Sun Apr 11 22:34:20 WST 1999

On 11-Apr-99 Chris Cornish wrote:
> I was just wondering if you dont have a high opinion
> of free software why are you intrested in linux and why are you on this
> list at all ?

Chris, just where did I express a poor opinion of free software?  All I said
was that you're limited to what is `freely' available.

Linux and OSS do not provide the answers to all computer situations. Both have a
long way to go before they ever come anywhere near that sort of useability.  In
fact I doubt that OSS will ever become anything more than a short-term
marketing ploy for the corporate world.  There just isn't enough money in it. 

With luck, linux (or something like it) will be able to ride the wave of
interest long enough for it to become mainstream.  What we need is to ensure
that that OS remains open and free so that we don't get another M$.  Not
because it monopolised the desktop industry (that was bad enough).  But because
it monopolised mediocrity.  I can live with an application that sux.  It's
annoying but it's a helluva lot more annoying when I have a great application
and a shitty OS to run it on.

I hope that there is always free software.  I hope that there is always the
choice of doing it yourself.  But I also hope that some enterprising youth (or
otherwise) will have the skill and drive to make a buck or two from their
endeavours so that I don't have to wait around forever for someone to write a
driver, or application or whatever.

The last thing the computer industry or the users need is for advocates to
stifle discussion, to question the integrity of those who suggest opposing
views or to so blindly believe in The Cause that they fail to recognise the
problems in the industry and therefore miss the opportunity to fix them.

Linux is not about free software.  Linux is about building a better OS.  Linux
is about being better than mediocre.  It was just made possible because Linus
and countless others chose to forgo their proprietary interests.  But it
doesn't mean that those who won't are any less capable.  Just less generous.
skribe <skribe at amber.com.au>

Karl's version of Parkinson's Law:  Work expands to exceed the time alloted it.

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