[plug] WindowMaker 0.52.0

Brad Campbell brad at seme.com.au
Tue Apr 20 15:08:58 WST 1999

This is really just a test to see if I have this stupid dissapearing
message problem pinned.

But to keep it more on topic, I have just upgraded from wmaker 0.2x something to
0.52.0, and I'm very impressed. Easy upgrade and nice features.. I finally have the
ability to 'Maximise' a window. I like that.
The themes are nice to, if only as a waste of Ram :p)

Also, just did an upgrade from Debian 2.0 to Debian 2.1 using apt-get distro-upgrade
So Easy it's a joke.
Rather than burning or buying the CD's, I downloaded them both using lftp (it auto resumes
as soon as your connection comes up again) and mounted them both using the loopback device.
I've never used the loopback device before, but what a fantastic way to use/create file systems.

Anyway, there is my ramble.
based on the last 2 weeks track record, this will not make it to the list either.... :p)

Brad Campbell
Director, DeFence Technology
Level 1, 58 Collingwood St 
Osborne Park 6017 Western Australia
Ph    :-+61 8 9445 1077 Fax   :-+61 8 9445 1088
Email :- defence at omen.net.au
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