[plug] COMPARISON BETWEEN NT AND LINUX PERFORMANCE (Retraction !!!!!) (2 4/04/99)

Mike Holland myk at golden.wattle.id.au
Tue Apr 27 22:57:04 WST 1999

On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, Bradley Browne wrote:

> Not to spark even more dissention but I just stumbled across this comparison
> for those interested.
> http://rpmfind.net/veillard/oracle/

Unfortunately, its gone:

	Well, the information spread and the page started to get quite some
	visitors, which in itself was not a problem, but we were
	informed that Oracle does not allow benchmark results to be published
	without their permission, and that TPC which does not
	allow publication of unaudited or unregistered results (the actual process
	to submit an entry is described here and we clearly
	did not follow those steps).

	As a result we removed the pages from this site.

Mike Holland <mike at golden.wattle.id.au>            Perth, Australia.
Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
                -- Rich Kulawiec

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