[plug] Red Hat becomes like M$

Greg Mildenhall greg at networx.net.au
Sat Aug 14 11:15:53 WST 1999

On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, Bret Busby wrote:
> That's the point; the share issue was for rich speculators only, and excluded
> the common people.

Oh, sorry, for a moment I forgot what an IPO was.
Why exactly are Redhat not meant to sell shares to outside investors?
Why do you think Redhat did not want the people to whom it offer
prerelease shares to get hold of them?
Would you prefer they didn't make an effort to let your "common people"
get hold of the shares?
Do you feel they should not have had an IPO in the first place?
Which other IPO are you thinking of in which such hot shares were made
available to hundreds of "common" associates from outside the company?

Like Christian, I can only assume you are "ill-informed" or else just
bitter 'cos you didn't get "the letter". :)


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