[plug] [Fwd: [Plug] Weird ...] from Polder Linux UG (-:
Leon Brooks
leonb at bounce.networx.net.au
Sat Aug 14 23:37:26 WST 1999
"Brenno J.S.A.A.F. de Winter" wrote:
> The following message I found on the Las Vegas Linux User Group. I found it to
> be so wierd, that I wanted to share this with you peeps.
> 25th July 1999
> Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) announced that it is selling advertising space
> in the error messages that appear in Windows.
> Acknowledging for the first time that the average user of their
> operating system encounters error messages at least several times a
> day, Microsoft is trying to take financial advantage of the unavoidable
> opportunity to make an ad impression.
> "We estimate that throughout the world at any given moment several
> million people are getting a =91General Protection Fault=92 or =91Illegal
> Operation=92 warning. We will be able to generate significant revenue by
> including a short advertising message along with it," said
> Microsoft marketing director Nathan Mirror. He also mentioned that
> Microsoft is intended to add banner ads into its Blue Screen of
> Death in the near future.
> The Justice Department immediately indicated that they intend to
> investigate whether Microsoft is gaining an unfair advantage in
> reaching the public with this advertising by virtue of its
> semi-monopolistic control over error messages.;-)
> --
> Cheers,
> Brenno J.S.A.A.F. de Winter
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