[plug] Acrobat PDF files and X11

Jamie Moir moir at opera.iinet.net.au
Mon Aug 16 22:41:16 WST 1999

On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Subba Rao wrote:

> Why does my X windows, turn into X-ray type, when I open up Acrobat application?
> As soon as the focus is on any other X window or X desktop, the Acrobat changes color.
> This is reversed when I change my focus to Acrobat.

sounds like you were running out of colours, what colour depth is your
xserver running in?

>How can this be fixed? Is this something to do with the video card  or 

either your settings or your video card or both, monitors dont really care
how many colours are on them, its not their job :)

my suggestion anyhow,


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