[plug] dual processors

Kim Covil kimc at ned.dem.csiro.au
Fri Aug 27 12:58:57 WST 1999

> With the extra two UDMA/66 ports, does this mean you can have up to 6 IDE
> devices on the machine ???
> I'm always seem to be running out what with hard disk, CD RON drive, burner,
> Internal ZIP etc. You try to add an  extra drive and you are ... well got no
> ports left.

8... :) you have 4 IDE chains each can handle a master and a slave

The UDMA/66 lines require a special cable if you are going to run at 66
but will take a standard cable and will run non-66 devices happily
(UDMA/33 or normal)...

The machine currently has hda hde hdg sda sdb sdc and two SCSI cdroms
which is why I need to work out how the BIOS orders all these drives for
LILO... :)


Kim Covil - Australian Geodynamics CRC   E-mail: kimc at ned.dem.csiro.au 
            CSIRO Exploration & Mining   Tel: +61 8 9284 8425   ,-_!\
            PO Box 437, Nedlands,        Fax: +61 8 9389 1906  /     \
            Western Australia  6009                            *_,-._/   
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