[plug] Tonight AGM

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Tue Dec 14 09:37:33 WST 1999

Hello All,
    Just to confirm that tonight is the second PLUG AGM :).

When  : 19:30
Where : Tennison Group
        Level 3 
        1 Havlock Street (Kings Park end)
        West Perth
Please wait outside until 19:30 at which time someone will come down and let
us in.

The Currant Agenda looks like:

1.0 Committee elections.
    1.1 Election of Chairperson:
        Current Nominations are:  Matt Kemner
    1.2 Election of ViceChairperson:
        Current Nominations are: Leon Brooks
        Current Nominations are: Ian Kent
2.0 Financial summary for 1998-1999
3.0 Monthly Meetings
    3.1 Which meetings to miss over the comming break Dec/Jan
    3.2 Which days do we want to meet
        A preferential vote for best meeting night(s). Original monday/tuesday 
        was reached a long time ago with less people involved.
    3.3 End'o'year bash
        Do we want one ??
        When / Where

There was a late addition for the agenda.

4.0 Next Meeting.
	There have been several requests for another GM to discuss many issues.
	Due the the Xmas break the current thinking is somtime in February.
	Agenda items and more details as time draws Nearer.
	So if after tonights meeting you have issues that need to be discussed in
    a open forum please email them to me and I'll compile a Agenda

Some people have mentioned that they are willing to play ASAP.  All members
are "financial" untill March next year so no payment is necessary until then.

One other issue is absentee voting. for tonights AGM.
There are 3 ways we can handle this.
    1) Proxy Votes
       An absent member can nominate an other member to vote in his/her place.
       Please email myself (tony at cantech.net.au) to define your proxy member
       if you wish to do this.
	2) Email your vote to me
       simply email me you votes on each of the 2 positions available.
    3) Ring Me
	   If you feel so inclined then ring me at work (Tony - 93505430) and I'll
       record your vote.

I appologies for the lack of online/web voteing.  I haven't  had time to get
the script written.

Yours Tony.

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