[plug] Does linux have a general garbage collector...

Bret Busby bret at clearsol.iinet.net.au
Wed Dec 22 11:57:55 WST 1999

Buddrige, David wrote:


> Anyone know if it is a problem for an operating system originating in
> Redmond (my gut instincts suggest it is highly likely - but I have no firm
> evidence on that)
> thanks heaps all.. 8-)
> David Buddrige


I am no guru, but my understanding is that it is a problem that is rife with the
Redmond things.

I am not M$ bashing; I believe it is not an appropriate forum.

However, the cumulative memory problems are what I understand to be the cause of
the development of such products as RAMgate, which is supposed to plug the
leaks, and free up memory when applications close.

However, I may be wrong...


Bret Busby

Phone/Fax:    +61 8 9399 3820 ( 08 9399 3820 within Australia)


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