[plug] 2 Questions

Matt Kemner zombie at networx.net.au
Mon Feb 1 14:07:50 WST 1999

On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, HILL  Walter wrote:

> If I either specify vga=ask or vga=[mode] in /etc/lilo.conf I can select
> an alternate video mode upon boot up. I'm using a 17" CRT & want to user
> 80x25 or better.
> The problem. The video mode switches correctly but changes spontaneously
> to another mode toward the end of the boot-up process.

Are you running svgatextmode?
If you are, that could be what's changing you back to another mode.. If
so, read up on it's documentation and configure it to the mode you want.
If you're not running svgatextmode, you should be. :)
It has support for far more modes at different refresh rates than the
kernel alone.. I use it to make my fixed frequency monitor work. (You can
give svgatextmode modelines just like XFree86)

> Question 2) How can I TELNET as root to my linux host? I am prompted to
> enter a login ID + password but am told that the password is incorrect;
> which it can't be or I wouldn't be able to log in on a console.

By default root can only login on "local" tty's for security reasons
(it means that if someone has your root password, they need at least one
other password to get root access to your box - and also fits in with the 
philosophy that you should only log in as root when you really need to)
The tty's that are considered local are in /etc/securetty - you could, if
you wanted to, add ttyp0 -> ttypf and ttyq0->ttyqf but you are advised
not to for the above security reasons.  You are much better off to login
as a normal user, then use "su -" to switch to root when needed.

 - Matt

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