[plug] Trouble with LILO....

Dale Baker spud at wantree.com.au
Sat Feb 6 23:04:15 WST 1999

At 11:00  6/02/99 +0800, you wrote:

Hi David,

While this will cost you money it does work trust me :)

I use system commander to boot this machine into 98, NT or RH 5.2 and it
works each and every time without fail and would recommend it to anyone
thinking about a multi booting system.

I have RH booting off an extended partition on the second drive with no
problems what so ever

>Hi all.... *sigh* a bit of a problem at the moment - I've just installed
>a system with two hard-drives with Redhat 5.2... unfortunately, I can't
>get LILO to work off the hard-drive...this is a bit of a problem as I've
>got my win95 partition on one of the hard-drives with all of my work
>thereon... 8-(



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Why bother building any more nuclear warheads until
            we use the ones we have?!?


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