[plug] Meeting
Matt Kemner
zombie at networx.net.au
Mon Feb 8 14:20:53 WST 1999
On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Marc Wiriadisastra wrote:
> I'm going to be going to the meeting and I have never been to any of
> them but who do I meet up with plus how do I know who to talk to and
> what time does the meeting start I think 6.30pm.
Well, assuming you know how to get to the Perth Fast Eddy's, expect to see
a whole bunch of guys standing out the front looking like they're waiting
for people, and strike up a conversation :)
Chances are they will be PLUGers. Btw, the meeting is scheduled for 19:30
(according to the webpage, which is semi/wrong about the day - it says
Monday the 9th of Feb, which of course does not exist, I emailed Ian, but
he seems to have gone AWOL today)
Anyway I'll be there prolly by about 19:15, as will be Greg, since I'll
probably be giving him a lift yet again :) so just look for two guys with
long (blond) hair probably both wearing music shirts and talking about
Linux, or music.
(or look at http://plug.linux.org.au and click on "members" to see some
photos of PLUGers standing in front of Fast Eddy's)
- Matt
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