[plug] Questions about a dialup server

Ian Kent ian.kent at pobox.com
Tue Feb 9 16:04:58 WST 1999

At 11:59 AM 08-02-99 +0800, Matt Kemner wrote something like:
>On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Michael Hunt wrote:
>> what happens. Any suggestions for running squid behind a firewall,
>> especially considering that the pages can only be downloaded from a parent
>> proxy and not directly from the source ?
>Yes, there's a config entry called hierarchy_stoplist, which by default is
>set to "cgi-bin ?", which means if it encounters either a ? or the word
>cgi-bin in the URL, the cache tries to access the webpage by itself.  If
>you comment that line out, it will go through the parent cache instead.

I'm confused! I haven't needed to use that option. I posted on this topic a
week or so ago, since this is the same as using squid on a dialup connection
and having to use a proxy at the ISP.

The post went like:

        I have this configuration at home also (using Q-net as well). The
is different   depending on your version of Squid, 1.x or 2.x.
        The 1.x config is described in
http://squid.nlanr.net/Squid/FAQ/FAQ-4.html#ss4.15. It   is much the same as
using a firewall proxy such as http-gw of the TIS FWTK.
        The 2.x is similar but the squid.conf directives have changed. The
config I am using    is something like (as well as the rest of the normal
of course):

        icp_port 0 
        htcp_port 0 
        cache_peer proxy.q-net.net.au. parent 3128 0 default 
        connect_timeout 240 seconds 
        # I'm not sure about this one. I think it was there by default? 
        # It's is needed anyway. 
        never_direct allow all 
        Basically you need to understand the FAQ description of a 1.x
config and
read the       comments on the new directives of 2.x.
        Mind you it never seems to be quite that easy ????

There was also a post from Gary which I can't seem to find at the moment. His
recommendation only needed the cache_peer line with icp port non-zero and
option query-only instead of default.

snip ...
Ian Kent

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