[plug] Windows vs Linux

Rob Hall rob at hcm.iinet.net.au
Tue Feb 9 10:18:15 WST 1999

At a school where I recently installed 7 Linux boxes and 3 Windows ones, they
had a power failure yetserday.

All the Linux ones have come back on line OK.  All the Windows ones refuse to
log onto the network - all the networks settings are thee but they don't want
to play anymore.  Without any decent logs on Windows, and because everything is
registry base (instead of text file based) I can't figure out the problem.  Far
easier to reinstall the network drivers.

Linux is cool, Windows is not.

 -- Regards,

Rob Hall

Heights Computer Management

"Making computers work for you."

Ph  9342 2664
Mob 0414 954 068

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