Leon Brooks leon at brooks.smileys.net
Tue Feb 9 18:16:59 WST 1999

Rick wrote:
> Then you must get rid of the partitions on your hard drive that harbour the
> infestation (Linux, that is). I found that Microsoft's FDISK, could not
> handle the job.

OTOH, Linux's FDISK will not only delete MS partitions (a damn fine
idea) but also _create_ them in many circumstances where MS FDISK either
refuses or stuffs it up. So, Linux can help MS software work, but not
vice-versa. You should also note that MS SETUP's default reaction to
partitions which it does not understand is to _silently_ delete them!
That does remind one of MS itself reacting to competition, does it not?

I hate books; they teach us to talk about things we do not understand.
 -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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