[plug] So did anyone see the Eclipse????
Colin Rothnie
colinr at tiwest.com.au
Wed Feb 17 09:04:32 WST 1999
At Cooljarloo (200 km N of Perth, but still south of the main "eclipse
zone") the sky went quite dark and all the dappled shadows turned into
crescents. There was also an interesting "shimmer" on the ground that
looked like shadows of fast wind-blown smoke (there was obviously nothing
like that visible in the atmosphere, we had our typical clear February
sky). The direction of movement of these "shadows" appeared to change as
the eclipse went on. The effect was noticed by all those watching the
eclipse on our pinhole camera, about ten in all.
It surprised me that even with 90% + of the sun obscured, it was still
relatively bright (comparable perhaps to overcast conditions) and you
certainly couldn't look directly at the sun.
I am amused that in Lancelin (where I live) some parents kept children at
home all day rather than send them to school and let them be exposed to the
dangers of looking at the sun.
Reporter on the scene...
Colin Rothnie
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