Ages [plug] PLUG membership profile form

Greg Gamble gregg at
Fri Feb 19 09:07:08 WST 1999

On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, Matt Kemner wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, Leon Brooks wrote:
> > >      [ ] 344 Ms to 457 Ms (megaseconds - this _is_ unix, isn't it?) (15-19.9 years)
> > >      [ ] 458 Ms to 687 Ms (20-29.9)
> > >      [X] 688 Ms to 916 Ms (30-39.9)
> > >      [ ] 917 Ms to 1.14 Gs (40-49.9)
> > >      [ ] 1.15 Gs to 1.37 Gs (50-59.9)
> > >      [ ] 1.38 Gs to 1.6 Gs (60-69.9)
> Am I doing the calculations wrong, or are you?
> I define the megasecond as:
> 1 year = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25 seconds
>        = 31557600 seconds
>        = 31.5 Ms
> so 15-19.9 should be 473Ms to 630Ms
>    20-29.9 should be 631Ms to 946Ms

Yes ... Matt's calculations are correct (except that 31557600 seconds
should be rounded to 31.6 Ms). It looks like Leon mistyped 365.25
as 265.??

Anyway ... if you care:

15 <= age < 20 (  473 Ms <= age <   631 Ms)
20 <= age < 30 (  631 Ms <= age <   947 Ms)
30 <= age < 40 (  947 Ms <= age < 1.26  Gs)
40 <= age < 50 (1.26  Gs <= age < 1.58  Gs)
50 <= age < 60 (1.58  Gs <= age < 1.89  Gs)

... the mathematician in me worries about the gaps between 29.9 and
30 ... and the nonexact correspondence of the ranges ... 
but this is getting silly ... I'm a little over 40 which makes
me approx 1.26 Gs which of course is inside Leon's range of

 1.15 Gs to 1.37 Gs

Here's my form:

PLUG-SURVEY (leave this line here so I can search for it)

Age: [ ] Juvenile delinquent (X one box)
     [ ] 344 Ms to 457 Ms (megaseconds - this _is_ unix, isn't it?)
     [ ] 458 Ms to 687 Ms
     [ ] 688 Ms to 916 Ms
     [ ] 917 Ms to 1.14 Gs
     [X] 1.15 Gs to 1.37 Gs
     [ ] 1.38 Gs to 1.6 Gs
     [ ] Seriously experienced

Gender: [X] Male
        [ ] Female
        [ ] Computer
        [ ] Don't know

Marital: [ ] Single
         [ ] Attached
         [ ] Seriously attached
         [X] Seriously attached, with certificate (ie married)

Children: [2] (number from 0)

Use computers at: [Xterm that interfaces to:S,?=PC?,SGI] Work (mark
at least one box: I=intel S=sun
P=powerPC M=Motorola-680X0 ?=other)
                  [?=AMD K6-2] Home

Use these OSes: [U,L] Work (L=Linux B=Free[etc]BSD U=other-Unix W=Windows
M=MacOS D=DOS V=VMS ?=other)
                [L] Home

I work as a: [X] Professional
             [ ] Business owner
             [ ] Manager (white collar)
             [ ] Serf (blue collar)
             [ ] Government employee (unemployed)
             [ ] Real Government employee
             [ ] Student
             [ ] Inmate (prisoner, patient, lunatic, state-school

Computers are my: [X] Job
                  [X] Hobby
                  [X] Education
                  [ ] Life

Favourite Linux distro is:   [     Slackware   ]

Favourite word processor is: [     vi          ]

Most-used web browser is:    [     netscape    ]

  Greg Gamble
Greg Gamble   __________________        mailto:gregg at
Centre for Discrete Mathematics & Computing    Tel: +61-7 336 52425
Department of Computer Science                 Fax: +61-7 336 54999
      & Electrical Engineering
The University of Queensland, Queensland 4072 AUSTRALIA

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