[plug] PLUG membership profile form

Mark Saxon mark at omninet.net.au
Sat Feb 20 21:38:07 WST 1999

 PLUG-SURVEY (leave this line here so I can search for it)

Age: [ ] Juvenile delinquent (X one box)
      [ ] 344 Ms to 457 Ms (megaseconds - this _is_ unix, isn't it?)
      [ ] 458 Ms to 687 Ms
      [ ] 688 Ms to 916 Ms
      [x] 917 Ms to 1.14 Gs
      [ ] 1.15 Gs to 1.37 Gs
      [ ] 1.38 Gs to 1.6 Gs
      [ ] Seriously experienced

 Gender: [x] Male
         [ ] Female
         [ ] Computer
         [ ] Don't know

 Marital: [ ] Single
          [ ] Attached
          [ ] Seriously attached
          [x] Seriously attached, with certificate (ie married)

 Children: [3|] (number from 0)

 Use computers at: [I] Work (mark at least one box: I=intel S=sun
 P=powerPC M=Motorola-680X0 ?=other)
                   [I] Home

 Use these OSes: [LW ] Work (L=Linux B=Free[etc]BSD U=other-Unix W=Windows
 M=MacOS D=DOS V=VMS ?=other)
                 [LUW] Home

 I work as a: [ ] Professional
              [x] Business owner
              [ ] Manager (white collar)
              [ ] Serf (blue collar)
              [ ] Government employee (unemployed)
              [ ] Real Government employee
              [ ] Student
              [ ] Inmate (prisoner, patient, lunatic, state-school student)

 Computers are my: [ ] Job
                   [x] Hobby
                   [x] Education
                   [ ] Life

Favourite Linux distro is:   [RedHat5.2] Maybe am trying some of the
Debian seems popular with some of the IT pros could any one advise why?

Favourite word processor is: [WordPerfect ] Still using the demo version
from RedHat 
and reinstalling every 15days is there  a way of avoiding that?

Most-used web browser is:    [ Netscape      ]

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