[plug] Re: Computer Bank - please dont give them away.

David Buddrige dbuddrige at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 11 12:49:38 WST 1999

Ideally, I'd like to link in with existing support structures Like PLUG 
as much as possible... but it depends on how the PLUG'ers feel about 
dealing with a whole bunch of computing newbies...?
>Oh, you mean like PLUG could/should (also) be?

Other factor is that most plug support exists via email... depending on 
how things work out with computerbank, it _might_ be that not everyone 
is able to get access to the net due to costs involved - hence the idea 
of the saturday morning computer-club... however if the net-connectivity 
can be provided or resolved, then this becomes a non-issue... internet 
connectivity is probably the _best_ sort of support I've ever come 
across... 8-)


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